Tuesday, July 6, 2010


do not know what happens every time I talk about the work of psychologist-counselor in schools with a high school teacher always arguing. It seems that teachers do not agree with the performance of professional psychology in the educational establishment. After studying the issue have concluded that there is an internal power struggle within the center and that counselor, as often happens in a business organization opts for position with the management team often forgetting the teaching professionals. One of the main problems for the counselor is to know the idea that fellow teachers have of their role within the center. For some it is something like a "firebreak" where there is an attitude problem, the psychologist will then be responsible for resolving the disruptive attitude. for other teachers, is someone "invisible" that comes and goes when he wants, a kind of magician who is but is never seen. However, if you read the "gurus" of education in Spain: C. Coll, Huget, Monereo, Sol , etc. we realize that the task of an educational advisor in the process of training. While in theory its functions have been defined, the time to put the theory into the practical world of education are difficult to understand failure, that is due to the complexity of the task of the psychologist. First, the consultant must not only be clear pedagogic theory but, and this is essential, knowing how to transmit their educational duties. Just this last point is where the consultant has entered into a sort of whirlwind incomprehensible. This is important because basically what is produced is a power struggle between the ideas and approaches of teachers in general (teams, departments) and the psychologist. imagine that a person comes into your house to help you and intends you to change your way of acting, thinking that this activity is good but improving.By this I mean that the consultant will try to convince you that new educational theories based on the construction of learning, and how to retain information significantly, along with a reorganization of the groups and new types of activities are key to understanding the new educational model in the information society and communication. Many teachers may think that this pedagogical jargon is already known since the 90s, but the advisor also may think you know the theory but not properly implemented, and therefore, school failure continues to increase, decrease and we poor showing conocomientos in international reports (PISA). Anyway, everyone goes about their business. What to do for Improving the quality of education) the question may have a very complex solution, which would not prolong the agony of education, or very simple: TALK. Communicate, express, post thoughts, ideas, opinions with a view to improving the teaching process.Discuss fears, desires, intentions, ultimately discovering the letters, interrelate. If we are unable to manage a school and have our students get the most out of themselves, be it skills or abilities or knowledge to be, do, and interact, we should consider our teaching. CONTINUE

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