Monday, August 2, 2010

They reject reform banning advertising of junk food

On Wednesday, April 11, 2007 the Chamber of Deputies rejected an amendment to federal Health and Consumer Protection which sought to prohibit advertisements on electronic media so-called junk food. ADVERTISEMENT During the regular session at the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro the benches of the National Action Party (PAN) and Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) that oppose reform, finally endorsed it back to committee for further analysis.The opinion submitted by the Committee on Economic Affairs approved the initiative argued that previously endorsed by the Senate could "lead to international conflicts by agreements signed by the country's economy", where Mexico is committed to not engaging in acts that restrict the advertising of foreign products . "It violates, and unjustified limited free trade enshrined in Articles 5 and 28 of the Constitution, to introduce a ban on certain promotional offers and products," he added.
In PRD federal deputy rostrum Fausto Mendoza Maldondo regretted the attitude of the PAN and the PRI to reject a reform that only seeks to reduce and limit the advertising of junk food, favoring the interests of transnational corporations that produce them. More information is housed here: sports center. Adriana Rodr guez Vizcarra, Member of the National Action Party (PAN) and chair of the Committee on Economy, said the reform adopted by the Senate does not thoroughly solve the problem of obesity and malnutrition in Mexico.Even as an example the case of Mexican construction workers who consume high amounts of soda and junk food and not obsessed because they burn calories all their hard work, so the exercise should be encouraged in children.

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