Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Need a database

Power Games Leo Zuckermann I retract Last week I wrote an article critical of the citizens who did not register your cell phone or did so by giving false information. In particular, he questioned the attitude of skeptical citizens, as they believed that the record is not good for anything, refused to register his line. He also criticized those who thought suspicious citizens, as the government would abuse the data, was better not to give truthful information. I admitted that maybe I was naive, but I still believe in our government institutions. Today I admit that I was wrong. Indeed I have sinned naive. What led me to change my position The investigative reporting that made Maria de la Luz Gonzalez published yesterday in El Universal. It turns out that in the neighborhood of Tepito for 12,000 (approximately 153 thousand dollars), anyone interested can buy a packet of information ranging from voter registration across the country, the registration of all vehicles (commercial, luxury public transport and collection) to the prison population and the records of all police photo, badge number and place of assignment. Moreover, the database contains the registration of driver's licenses with photographs issued by local governments, the concessions granted to the taxi plate number and driver identification and registration of the entire prison population the country and the inmates who have earned benefits such as parole or early departure. It also includes any arrest warrants granted to the Attorney General of the Republic. It is a scandal. How did Tepito market these databases Who is the filter Who sells them Who has bought After learning of this information, I am sure that the database of the National Register of Mobile Phone Users will also be available soon in Tepito. And I, of GDP, which registered my cell trusting the authorities.They were right those who doubted the ability of the Mexican state to keep in good stewardship of private data bases. According to the report of Gonzalez: The database contains information Tepito market on date to 2009, as he could see El Universal.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The 1st step

The 1st step to being vegetarian Beyond that it is for your health, animals, environment or any other reason, you may be, along with many others, considering the vegetarian you again. Here are some hints to start, or even to start thinking about how to start .. . INVESTIGATE! Explore. Gather information. Learn what reasons have led many people to leave the meat. He discovers that being a vegetarian is easy and healthy, much better than Fast Food, and keeps him away from Burger King. Learn about the myths surrounding vegetarianism (including calcium, iron and protein). Knowledge is power. THINK! Think animals. Think of your body. Think of the Earth. Considers the impact of your food choices on those around you and the world. Remember: you are what you eat. " SPEAK! Talk to vegetarians. Talk to non-vegetarians. Question. Share your concerns. It starts out with vegetarians. Visit Website vegetarians. Participate in demonstrations and campaigns. Set goals! Make this a game. Bet your friend you can be a month without stepping on a McDonald's, or roast or two weeks without eggs. When you win, reward yourself. Just depends on you that your commitment to vegetarianism progress. KITCHEN! Vegetarian cuisine is presented as a brave new world. Take classes. Get books and magazines. Try new recipes. Be creative. Have fun doing it. Notes that meatless meals are not only possible, but limitless. COME! Make the meal time special. Chew slowly, savor each bite well. Share your food with others. LISTEN! Try to be aware of the needs of your body. Rest when tired. Eat when you're hungry. Pay attention to your body-will fade discover that the feeling of "heavy" after eating. Vegetarian foods not only feel good, but that energize your life. Respect your body. Learn the connection between what supplies and what you returned. EXPERIENCE! Make changes in your lifestyle. Explore macrobiotic or raw food diets. Visit restaurants and houses of vegetarian food. Discover the cuisine of other countries. Make new sports. Try yoga. Delve into the world of animal liberation. Now that you've stopped eating them, discover new ways to help animals. Explore your interests. PREPARE! You may find resistance from your family and group of friends. Get ready for this (family meals can be terribly stressful, it is difficult to challenge the "traditional foods"). Be strong. Trusts you. Prepare for questions such as "perhaps the plants are not living things " "Are not farm animals extinct if we were all vegetarians ".Examine your doubts and answer: Am I getting enough vitamins Am I doing the right thing Relax. Talk to your friends. Search your books. If you stumble, get up and learn from your mistakes. CELEBRATE! Mark the day you left the meat, place that day. Renew your choice.

Monday, August 2, 2010

They reject reform banning advertising of junk food

On Wednesday, April 11, 2007 the Chamber of Deputies rejected an amendment to federal Health and Consumer Protection which sought to prohibit advertisements on electronic media so-called junk food. ADVERTISEMENT During the regular session at the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro the benches of the National Action Party (PAN) and Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) that oppose reform, finally endorsed it back to committee for further analysis.The opinion submitted by the Committee on Economic Affairs approved the initiative argued that previously endorsed by the Senate could "lead to international conflicts by agreements signed by the country's economy", where Mexico is committed to not engaging in acts that restrict the advertising of foreign products . "It violates, and unjustified limited free trade enshrined in Articles 5 and 28 of the Constitution, to introduce a ban on certain promotional offers and products," he added.
In PRD federal deputy rostrum Fausto Mendoza Maldondo regretted the attitude of the PAN and the PRI to reject a reform that only seeks to reduce and limit the advertising of junk food, favoring the interests of transnational corporations that produce them. More information is housed here: sports center. Adriana Rodr guez Vizcarra, Member of the National Action Party (PAN) and chair of the Committee on Economy, said the reform adopted by the Senate does not thoroughly solve the problem of obesity and malnutrition in Mexico.Even as an example the case of Mexican construction workers who consume high amounts of soda and junk food and not obsessed because they burn calories all their hard work, so the exercise should be encouraged in children.

Want to attend a program of Canal Extremadura

Carnavalera Association "To not know me" has been invited to attend the public to join the Canal Extremadura's morning magazine "The day is ours", the program is presented by Juan Luis Tena and Olga Marset and focuses on the analysis and monitoring now also includes talk shows, interviews and other curiosities. Members will have preference, logical thing: we have said they need 12 to 15 people.If you are interested in spending a fun time (the time breakfast, for example ...), you say that Imam Bazar point in shoes or heel.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


do not know what happens every time I talk about the work of psychologist-counselor in schools with a high school teacher always arguing. It seems that teachers do not agree with the performance of professional psychology in the educational establishment. After studying the issue have concluded that there is an internal power struggle within the center and that counselor, as often happens in a business organization opts for position with the management team often forgetting the teaching professionals. One of the main problems for the counselor is to know the idea that fellow teachers have of their role within the center. For some it is something like a "firebreak" where there is an attitude problem, the psychologist will then be responsible for resolving the disruptive attitude. for other teachers, is someone "invisible" that comes and goes when he wants, a kind of magician who is but is never seen. However, if you read the "gurus" of education in Spain: C. Coll, Huget, Monereo, Sol , etc. we realize that the task of an educational advisor in the process of training. While in theory its functions have been defined, the time to put the theory into the practical world of education are difficult to understand failure, that is due to the complexity of the task of the psychologist. First, the consultant must not only be clear pedagogic theory but, and this is essential, knowing how to transmit their educational duties. Just this last point is where the consultant has entered into a sort of whirlwind incomprehensible. This is important because basically what is produced is a power struggle between the ideas and approaches of teachers in general (teams, departments) and the psychologist. imagine that a person comes into your house to help you and intends you to change your way of acting, thinking that this activity is good but improving.By this I mean that the consultant will try to convince you that new educational theories based on the construction of learning, and how to retain information significantly, along with a reorganization of the groups and new types of activities are key to understanding the new educational model in the information society and communication. Many teachers may think that this pedagogical jargon is already known since the 90s, but the advisor also may think you know the theory but not properly implemented, and therefore, school failure continues to increase, decrease and we poor showing conocomientos in international reports (PISA). Anyway, everyone goes about their business. What to do for Improving the quality of education) the question may have a very complex solution, which would not prolong the agony of education, or very simple: TALK. Communicate, express, post thoughts, ideas, opinions with a view to improving the teaching process.Discuss fears, desires, intentions, ultimately discovering the letters, interrelate. If we are unable to manage a school and have our students get the most out of themselves, be it skills or abilities or knowledge to be, do, and interact, we should consider our teaching. CONTINUE

Wooden Houses Are Environmentally Friendly Construction And Living

Wooden houses, especially wooden prefabricated houses are environmentally friendly, in fact. This may seem surprising, suspected of uninformed visitor, that wood leads to deforestation of the forest. But that is not so. Take, for example, log-wood house producer V�rden: The wood comes from Scandinavian wood plantations for timber that is specially-growing planted forests. The growing there polar spruce or pine trees are especially suitable as a building material because of its durability and strength. There must be no original forests are intact. However, environmental friendliness is not only the absence of the exploitation of nature. Environmentally friendly means the timber and energy-efficient, cost not only financially counted, save for the wallet and the planet. The products of wooden V�rden meet the low-energy standards and thus consume about a third less energy than conventional homes. A prefabricated wooden house that is capable of a prefabricated wood-this energy balance for a further point to add: The production of prefabricated elements in series and theCost-effective site assembly. This is far more energy efficient than one reason to build a house from scratch. The structure consists chiefly from the joining of the planks. These are stacked. The process takes about one day. Nevertheless, the structure is quite stable, not for nothing are the wooden houses known as solid-wood house. This nickname she earned on the basis of the strength of the timbers up to last just under 10 inches.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Every year in Germany alone give overweight in pharmacies around 150 million euros for the "drug" emaciation. This overweight, more and more rarely on slimming, because five years ago, sales of these products twice, informs Sven-David Müller Nothmann. Totally unsuitable drainage or laxative agents and drugs, as neither body through the urine, nor can be eliminated through the stool. Moreover, it is dangerous to take without medical indication diuretics or laxatives, warns Müller Nothmann. Also beware of "Chinese" herbs and plant extracts indefinable, which are primarily offered on the Internet is advised. Advertising for"Rogue" slimming high weight loss promises in a short time. Consumers do not know that it is forbidden to advertise, how many pounds disappear in what time frame, says Sven-David Müller Nothmann. Companies that advertise the act to be illegal. The German company has studied obesity in their obesity guideline in 2006 with slimming and anti-obesity drugs. In particular, the substances orlistat and sibutramine meet the requirements of evidence-based obesity treatment. But the meal replacement products with so-called Formula diets meet the stipulations of the experts. This means that products such as Optifast, Modifast, 14a Vital to the modified fast and the products of medical obesity programs Formmed, Precon, Bodymed, Eusana to body weight or Insulean suitable. Obese people may be advised to opt for proteinmodifiziertes fasting, unless it is part of a holistic weight loss approach is medically supervised andleads to a permanent change in diet, Sven-David Müller Nothmann makes clear.

Such products should dietary regulation (§ 14a) correspond to and the words "take to replace one or more meals or meal replacement for weight '. Caution is advised when Products bearing the indication that they are put with other ingredients (such as starch, floral or honey bees, (fruit), sugar, various fats or milk). Serious slimming basically make it clear that they should be applied in a holistic approach. As the German Obesity Association also opposes the German Competence health and dietetics extremely one-sided diets such as starvation diet, total fasting, "Fasting," Schroth or Mayr-Kur off due to medical risks and the lack of scientific support and a lack of long-term success, makes Sven-David Müller Nothmann significantly.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Hepatitis A virus hepatitis A belongs to the family of Picornaviridae, and gender Hepatovirus. Has not capped icosahedral form of approximately 28 nm in diameter and a single linear RNA genome of positive guidance. The genome has a total length of 7.5 kb which is translated into a polyprotein alone, but alone can cause an infection. The polyprotein is cut in several locations producing capsular proteins VP1, VP2, VP3 and VP4, and nonstructural proteins. In its 5 'end is covalently linked protein, VPg, which serves as the cap 5' protecting eukaryotic genomes genome by the end. Its 3 'by contrast has an area polyadenylated (poly (A)) which also makes security duties in addition to allowing its translation by the machinery of the host cell. This is a virus that is rarely found in countries with high standards of hygiene.The virus is very resistant to high temperatures, acids and alkalis (eg, soaps and other cleaning products).

Monday, April 19, 2010

The route of human oil in Chile: miraculous potion

A purpose of the discovery of a band of "pishtacos" high in the department of Huanuco, which would have murdered more than 60 people to extract the body fat and sell them in Germany to 10 thousand U.S. dollars per liter ... I leave this account of human use of oil for healing wounds in Chile ... Celebrity remedy for burns, scars or stretch marks, the capital of the ointment route is not as hidden as you might think. Although it is forbidden to trade with any live or dead bodies, just go to a morgue and in a matter of days will have its bottle. It just depends on who has a newly dead 'fina to'. A true urban myth. With a reputation for expensive and smell of death is the answer to any problem epidermis. Get yourself human and pour oil there, they say the old: healing scars, marks, burns, stretch marks and stains more. But where to get it Who produces it Where did you get them Everyone knows of its existence, but only some have the answer, "see this scar on her ... and now ..." Not in pharmacies, drugstores or in the open market or healers. But someone out there has a tip: "Go to any morgue and ask," Paola tells me, after showing his arm descicatrizado the ointment. Nauca of the year If now is the subject of doctors before it was witches, that basically the same thing. Sonia Montecinos, in his book Myths of Chile noted that human oil Chilo was used by sorcerers as fuel to ignite the light of Makuna, a vest that makes them fly, and also to power the lantern carried by the sea horse when mounted.Talca In the rural area said that the ointment was searched and retrieved by the witches in the cemeteries to be kept in bottles. Then serve to heal seriously ill or throwing them in the doors of the houses where I wanted to do something wrong. Pure vibe. The Jesuits had on these issues. From colonial times until their expulsion in 1767 the pharmacy was famous Bandera Street. While Dr. Enrique Laval made a book about the Apothecary Pharmacy of the order of Loyola, where an inventory of what they had. There are oil scorpion, scorpions drowning in oil made from almonds vulpine oil, that is, 'a fox-skin fat just doffing' balm puppies (3 dogs were taken newborns and cooked in oil is common, what earthworms are added, pennyroyal, improvement and oregano) or powders sea horse, crab, or Egyptian ointment. But no trace of human oil. But the Jesuits have not inventoried is one thing.Another is to what the Aymara: for them the monks in long robes and hoods were to be feared. They were walking in desolate landscapes and where to meet someone older than 50 years with smooth words and flattering speech so sleepy. Then with a knife opened the right edge of the abdomen and the fat extracted from the body. The wound was stitched with invisible thread and unhappy after not even remember. Clear that adelgazar a weeks until death. Fat is used to build the chrism of baptism. Back in the twentieth century, Jorge Delano told in an interview with a gravedigger that the main problem was the witches who went to the cemetery to find the potion necrophiliac.


FIRST CASE OF ANOREXIA He Catherine of Siena in 26 years with his idea of devoting his life to God clashed with their parents' plans to marry her. This situation led her to lock herself in her room getting ill-treated by not eating at the end enter the Dominican order, but with half its weight.The prestige of Catherine of Siena and quickly spread after his death, at age 28, had many religious followers. There are many cases of anorexia in the nuns of the Middle Ages. Fasting was a way for the spirit to triumph and not the flesh. Being without food was considered a sign of holiness. This monitoring anorexia suffered by God was called "Holy Anorexia". Warning Signs of Anorexia Nervosa - Eat a diet as if, despite already very thin. - Wear clothes too baggy or too big. - Being preoccupied with weight, diets and to achieve the figure. - You experience dizziness, fainting, loss of awareness and difficulty concentrating. - Fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. - Perception distorted weight, size or shape of your body. - In women, the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles. - No other physical or psychiatric disorder that could justify the loss of weight or refusal to eat.


FIRST CASE OF ANOREXIA He Catherine of Siena in 26 years with his idea of devoting his life to God clashed with their parents' plans to marry her. This situation led her to lock herself in her room getting ill-treated by not eating at the end enter the Dominican order, but with half its weight.The prestige of Catherine of Siena and quickly spread after his death, at age 28, had many religious followers. There are many cases of anorexia in the nuns of the Middle Ages. Fasting was a way for the spirit to triumph and not the flesh. Being without food was considered a sign of holiness. This monitoring anorexia suffered by God was called "Holy Anorexia". Warning Signs of Anorexia Nervosa - Eat a diet as if, despite already very thin. - Wear clothes too baggy or too big. - Being preoccupied with weight, diets and to achieve the figure. - You experience dizziness, fainting, loss of awareness and difficulty concentrating. - Fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. - Perception distorted weight, size or shape of your body. - In women, the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles. - No other physical or psychiatric disorder that could justify the loss of weight or refusal to eat.

We arrived in Asia

Batangas, Philippines January 12, 2009 We came to the Philippines at 22:00 after 55 hours of travel without hotel reservations, no plans, with a budget of 30 per day (15 per person) and diving instructors licenses expired, and so far, no we have suffered hunger:) We spent the first two nights in Manila at Green Mango Inn, a hotel that you recommended a trio of Norwegian backpacking could find at the airport. We pay 5.30 per night for a shared room for luck that was empty. Nothing wrong with the hotel, very clean and well maintained. Manila is a huge city with 9.5 million residents among which a couple honduras / Netherlands who walks the streets of the city, alias Richard and Janneke.Everywhere we go people just stared with curiosity, trying to sell us food, passenger tricycle, jeepney fare (I owe the pictures), meal, and often help us with luggage without expecting anything in return (very different from Egypt) . To our surprise, many Filipinos speak English. Guards, bus drivers, taxi drivers, passengers, pedestrians, etc.. speak English, including basic and intermediate, so we had no problem to enlist public transport. What more would like to highlight in this article is that Filipinos are very friendly. When we ask directions in the streets always spend a few minutes to make us understand his instructions, whether given to us in English or Filipino. On our last day in Manila, a co-passenger jeepney, talking in very good English, deviated from its working path to take us to the bus station to bring us up to Batangas, a port city located some 120 km south of Manila .This Filipino, with not even exchanged names, we devote approximately 30 minutes of your time and effort to the passenger jeepney pay us until we left tackle in front of the bus. Thanks buddy! Finally I give a few interesting facts from the Philippines: - The Philippines is composed of 7,107 islands ... - The Philippine Peso currency and is called for every 47 dollars you get 1 - A large part of the signs and traffic signs are in English - The Philippines was a Spanish colony, the Philippines named in honor of King Philip II - Is there no overweight people in the Philippines ! We have seen hundreds of people in the streets we have not seen a single person as overweight. Today we saw the streets of Batangas three plump, but any person with excess weight so far. - Few Filipinos know that is Honduras and many think I'm in Israel! - The Filipino language has a lot of English and Spanish also ... have a news program called "Twenty Oras. We also saw some signs written in Spanish. For while posteo again babay (adios in Filipino) Until next week!

We arrived in Asia

Batangas, Philippines January 12, 2009 We came to the Philippines at 22:00 after 55 hours of travel without hotel reservations, no plans, with a budget of 30 per day (15 per person) and diving instructors licenses expired, and so far, no we have suffered hunger:) We spent the first two nights in Manila at Green Mango Inn, a hotel that you recommended a trio of Norwegian backpacking could find at the airport. We pay 5.30 per night for a shared room for luck that was empty. Nothing wrong with the hotel, very clean and well maintained. Manila is a huge city with 9.5 million residents among which a couple honduras / Netherlands who walks the streets of the city, alias Richard and Janneke.Everywhere we go people just stared with curiosity, trying to sell us food, passenger tricycle, jeepney fare (I owe the pictures), meal, and often help us with luggage without expecting anything in return (very different from Egypt) . To our surprise, many Filipinos speak English. Guards, bus drivers, taxi drivers, passengers, pedestrians, etc.. speak English, including basic and intermediate, so we had no problem to enlist public transport. What more would like to highlight in this article is that Filipinos are very friendly. When we ask directions in the streets always spend a few minutes to make us understand his instructions, whether given to us in English or Filipino. On our last day in Manila, a co-passenger jeepney, talking in very good English, deviated from its working path to take us to the bus station to bring us up to Batangas, a port city located some 120 km south of Manila .This Filipino, with not even exchanged names, we devote approximately 30 minutes of your time and effort to the passenger jeepney pay us until we left tackle in front of the bus. Thanks buddy! Finally I give a few interesting facts from the Philippines: - The Philippines is composed of 7,107 islands ... - The Philippine Peso currency and is called for every 47 dollars you get 1 - A large part of the signs and traffic signs are in English - The Philippines was a Spanish colony, the Philippines named in honor of King Philip II - Is there no overweight people in the Philippines ! We have seen hundreds of people in the streets we have not seen a single person as overweight. Today we saw the streets of Batangas three plump, but any person with excess weight so far. - Few Filipinos know that is Honduras and many think I'm in Israel! - The Filipino language has a lot of English and Spanish also ... have a news program called "Twenty Oras. We also saw some signs written in Spanish. For while posteo again babay (adios in Filipino) Until next week!

The truth about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are actually good for you
Dont believe Mr. Atkins

The truth about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are actually good for you
Dont believe Mr. Atkins

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Volleyball as a sport was started in Hollyyoke, Massachusettes, in the U.S. in 1895 by Mr. Willie Morgan. In the beginning the sport was called mintonete and eventually switched to volleyball by Mr. Haise Springfield Masachusettes, USA because the basic idea of this game of volley the ball from one side to another network.Volleyball as a game was basically designed as a recreational activity for men of business and is now extremely popular in the summer fields and ballparks around the U.S., in 1900 Canada became the first foreign country that adopted the sport. The movement of international YNCA was instrumental in the expansion of the popularity of volleyball in the world. It first played in Cuba in 1905 in Puerto Rico in 1909 in the Philippines in 1910, in Uruguay in 1912, China and Japan in 1913, in Mexico in 1917.Volleyball Europe was through the American troops during World War I and soon spread in countries such as France, Czechoslovakia, Poland and USSR. The style of play and rules are developed differently in each area and country in the world. The first step was the attempt to organize an international federation of volleyball during the Olympic Games in 1936, but these efforts failed. In Asia, due to the low stature of the population were drawn from the Far East rules pursuant to these characteristics. For example there were 9 players per team instead of 6, in games there was no change or rotation, allowed two attempts at service and the pitch was narrower. The net height was reduced by 15 centimeters. Asian These rules are still used in Japan, however this form of game has lost popularity in favor of 6 players. Have developed other variants of volleyball on the beaches of southern California, Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro and the Mediterranean beaches in France. Volleyball pairs (2 players per team) outdoors is very popular not only in form but also as a recreational sport both highly competitivo.Mientras Eastern European countries developed the sport to such an extent that players asked high fill athletic requirements. Official matches attracted 30,000 to 60,000 spectators and completely filled outdoor stadiums. The rapid advancement of volleyball in the world experienced another big jump after the second world war.Previous attempts to organize an international federation in 1936 resumed in Paris in 1946, and this time successfully. On the initiative of France, USSR, Poland, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, founded the FIVB in which 14 countries were represented.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

On September 7

On September 7 I undertook my first solo bike ride with panniers, which took me over 102 days to go around the perimeter Iberian route by getting pr cticamene draw the profile of that country called Spain. I went from Barcelona to the Cap de Creus, then down into the natural park area of Garrotxa and perform an alternative route to the trans, via La Seu d'Urgell, Ainsa, A isclo Valley, Sabi anigo, Jaca, Sang esa Pamplona and San Sebastian. In Donosti I began the Camino de Santiago Coast to the city of Santo, and from there a section of the French Way to Astorga, where I undertook, to the contrary, my journey on Via de la Plata to Seville. Once hooked in Seville with TransAndalus, crossing from West to East, this vast community full of contrasts that is Andalusia.After leaving Almeria, began an improvised route parallel to the Mediterranean Sea, which led me to the point of departure, Barcelona. The information on this little adventure is on the web, where you can see, the travel diary, photos and reviews, and interesting information related to cycling and cycling in general. I am currently writing a book that will include experiences in the Iberian tour, and hopefully see the light during this 2009. More projects are in mind, but I'll talk about them, as they are maturing. Meanwhile, add a few entries on the triathlon last year, and thus revive this blog a bit, which has stood for almost a year. . .


INTRODUCTION: We include this webquest to try to stimulate healthy and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits in children and adolescents. With slight modifications we can use at different levels of ESO and Bachillerato. It would be very useful for students of vocational training modules: "Cooking and Eating" (Code: 0045, Training Module: Food and drink). "Child Education" (UC1029 3: Develop programs and training acquisition of autonomy and health habits, and other intervention in situations of risk). TODO: 1 .- OBJECTIVES .- Interpretation of basic nutritional and dietary properties of food. .- Preparation of balanced menus. 2 .- CONTENTS a) The food groups.

List of Works

List of Works on bee flora contains the following partial list of scientific papers and disclosure of bee flora.

Duathlon Folgueroles

On 10 January, Folgueroles, will be played the penultimate race of the championship Duatlons Endins Terra. Distance: 6km Foot <<>> Km 20 Km BTT .<<>> 3 Foot Registration before Jan. 8, with a limit of 120 non-federated participant.It is online at id 1007 Price: Federated in triathlon and FEEC: 18,00 Federal No: 30,00 Cadet and Junior Land: 3,00 Junion cadet and not Land: 15.00 More information Getting There: From Lloret> direction Vidreras-Girona <> allow cross Eix C-25 <> direction Vic <> before coming to Vic, take the N-141D (roundabout 1st exit) towards Folgueroles. 82km, 1h 17min